Rabu, 22 September 2010

Special Trade (Special Produk): siapa yang diuntungkan?

DISKUSI akhir tahun ISEI Manado pada tanggal 29 Desember 2007 dengan tema ‘’Meningkatkan Daya Saing Ekspor Sulut di Era Desentralisasi dan Pasar Terbuka’’, yang sempat dimuat di Koran ini (31 Desember 2007) memberikan kesan tersendiri bagi penulis, khususnya paradigma perdagangan baru yang ditawarkan oleh Menteri Perdagangan, Marie Elka Pangestu, yakni untuk menaikan daya saing ekspor kita harus melakukan special trade atau special produk. Dalam arti kata, Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki komoditi potensial, harus benar-benar focus menggenjot supaya memiliki nilai tambah (Value added) dibandingkan di daerah lain. Benarlah bahwa konsep semacam ini harus didukung oleh jaringan yang terintegrasi antara daerah dan Negara lain. Pengintegrasian ini akan kian dipercepat dengan pemanfaatan teknologi-teknologi baru dan penghapusan hambatan-hambatan bagi perdagangan internasional dan aliran investasi.

Senin, 20 September 2010

Rawa Biru: Air Mata di atas Mata Air

Dokumenter ini mengangkat pelbagai dampak kebijakan pemerintah dan perusakan ekologis terhadap danau resapan air hujan yangmenjadi sumber air bersih, kehidupan masyarakat adat Kanume (Sub suku Malind) dan warga masyarakat kota Merauke di Kabupaten Merauke. (This documentary raises local government policy issues and the ecological damage to the water catchment lakes used for clean water source by both villagers of Kanume as well as Merauke city folks)


Minggu, 19 September 2010


“Memang benar, Tanah Papua merupakan tanah yang kaya akan sumber daya alam. Tetapi di atas tanah yang kaya itu kini hidup orang-orang Papua yang miskin. Mengapa? Karena selama ini rakyat tidak menikmati hasil kekayaan itu.”

Siang itu, 28 oktober 2008, kira-kira pukul 12.30 WIT, Ibu Emiliana Omba dan beberapa ibu lain tengah sibuk mengangkut pasir dari tempat galian ke atas truk pengangkut pasir. Pasir itu mereka jual seharga Rp. 1000/kg. Terlihat beberapa ibu, termasuk ibu Emiliana Omba, begitu bersemangat mengangkat karung-karung pasir ke dalam truk yang tengah diparkir.

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Riky mau jadi pilot, tapi Anis?

by Wensislaus fatubun

Jumat (7/5) sore di tepi jalan di salah satu kantong kemiskinan dan kejahatan di Kota Merauke, Bruder Yos Manuel, MSC., berbaur mengajar belasan anak Malind, Asmat, Muyu, dan Yagai.

Bak ”Laskar Pelangi”, mereka duduk berjejalan, berdampingan belajar dan mengajar di ruangan 2 meter x 5 meter di pantih asuhan Amam Bekai Chevalier.
”Saya mau jadi perawat,” seru Wambemo, yang bersiap masuk sekolah menegah umum, ketika ditanya cita-citanya.

Rabu, 08 September 2010

INDONESIA: Kimaam Island — Rich but Poor

Kimaam Island, also called Frederik Hendrik Island, Dolok island, Yosudarso and Kolepom, covers an area of 14,357 km. Most of the area is swampy. This island is separated from southwest West Papua New Gunea by the Muli strait (now popularly known as Princess Marianne.

INDONESIA: Kimaam Island — Rich but Poor
by Wensi Fatubun1
Kimaam Island, also called Frederik Hendrik Island, Dolok island, Yosudarso and Kolepom, covers an area of 14,357 km. Most of the area is swampy. This island is separated from southwest West Papua New Gunea by the Muli strait (now popularly known as Princess Marianne strait). This island was formed by sediment deposited by the Digul River. Therefore, the north and central parts of the island have higher elevations than the south and west. Kimaam Island is a wet-land area consisting of a mangrove ecosystem, a savanna, a swamp and monsoon forests.
Kimaam Island is blessed with natural resources. Looking at its bio-diversity, this region is a remarkable home to fauna such as birds, fish, crocodile, deer and kangaroo. The south coast region is the main habitat for different kinds of crocodiles. The general knowledge of the hydrology of the area and the vast numbers of mangrove tree plants in the coastal areas and along the river stream indicates that the area is an ideal place for the lives of sea fauna; fish, shrimp and crab. Besides its natural resources, the Kimaam Island inhabitants are unique in that they harvest from the swamps. Koenjaraninggrat writes in his book about the indigenous Kimaam harvesting from the swamp. J Boelar also wrote about a similar uniqueness in his book “Manusia Irian: Masa Lampau, Kini dan Akan Datang” (Irianesse: The Past, Present and Future). People inhabiting the south coast of rich Kimaam Island are now experiencing a number of problems such as lack of human resources, inadequate health services, natural resources related conflicts, high poverty rate, high illiteracy rate, high maternal and child mortality rate. In short, the richness of natural resources does not bring welfare and prosperity to the indigenous people. In 2006, the Office for Justice and Peace of the Merauke Archdiocese (SKP-KAM) published “Lives Portrayal and Conflict of Natural Resources in Kimaam.” This is a report about the lives of people in Kimaam Island surrounded by various natural resources conflicts. The findings illustrate that erroneous local government policy concepts have created conflicts such as the conflicts of tribal land property borders, bloody Maskura in 2003 and bloody Korimen-Kontura in 2001-2003. The facts need to be revealed and capture our attention. We need to care about mothers and children who die from disease and malnutrition. We should understand that it is not a fate imposed on them by God but rather due to our mistakes and negligence. Paulus Levitar, one of the Waan villagers and a voluntary teacher, told SKP-KAM investigators about his concern that “If we are sick, a bottle shard is our medicine. We use a bottle shard to slice our body so that the dirty blood can escape. Doctors, nurses and any other medical staff, hardly ever visit us. This poor health condition is exacerbated by a poor education situation. In Kamaan the illiteracy rate is very high because teachers leave their profession resulting in a shortage of teachers.

The presence of “Non-Papuans”

The southern beach of Kimaam Island is rich in sea resources. It attracts many people to come, creating a more heterogeneous population. Most of the non-Papuans who come to Kimaam iIsland are from Bugis, Makasar, Maluku and Java. They live in the northern beaches of the Island, especially in Waan and Konorau village. With economic improvement as their main motive, they come to look for sea resources such as fish and crocodile which they then sell to fishing ships from PT. Djarma Aru. They also usually conduct a barter system-changing the for-sale things with the resources the community catch.

Natural Resources Conflict

On 21 December 2006, an incident of torture occurred against 14 Konorau villagers of the southern beach of Kimaam Island. Based on the investigation undertaken by SKP-KAM 9-15 February 2007, it shows that the perpetrators were Thomas Wanggai, an Indonesia Military officer, Abukasim, a Malukunese. The main motive relates to the lucrative natural resources of Kimaan Island. The question is, why should natural resources be the triggering factor in the area? The answer lies in that fact that the southern beach of Kimaam Island is famous for its natural resources. This richness has inspired many people, particularly non-Papuans to come and take the available resources such as fish, shrimp and crocodiles. The presence of non- Papuans has caused the native Kimaam to become marginalized. This marginalization has touched all aspects such as the economy, education and culture as a result of Kimaan low human resources as compared to non-Papuans’. The non-Papuans are starting to use and manipulate the native Kimaams. This disability of the native Kimaam’s is clearly indicated by their inability to manage their natural resources. The question is: why is the native community unable to manage its own resources? Based on the date collected, it clearly shows that there are two major causes. First, the native communities still preserve a sub-system economy and the second is a teaching-learning process does not take place in the southern beach of Kimaam Island.

Conflict of Tribal Land borders

Tribal land borders keep haunting the community in the southern beach of Kimaam Island. It is still a major problem. Based on the SKP-KAM investigation, the tribal land problem was a result of a government policy which does not accommodate local potential such as in the policy about village-ation and village extensions. A clear example of the situation is in Waan and Konorau villages. SKP-KAM investigated and found that the tribal land of Waan village, administratively belongs to Konorau village and vice versa. This problem was getting complicated with the presence of fishing ships from Djarma Aru Company and “non-Papuans, who catch fish without asking permission from the tribal land owners. Another strategy used by non-Papuans is taking native Kimaam as their wives in order to have access to sea resources and tribal lands as demonstrated by the actions of Abukasim. If the problem is not solved soon, the rich island with its resources and people will become extinct. The extinction of the natives on the island is on-going and “do we let this extinction process keep going on? I hope we still have the heart to prevent such deliberate negative actions. Therefore, let us show our care for Kimaam Island and the people there. It is much better if we are pro-active and take action now before it is too late

1JPIC Program manager, filmmaker, bloger, storyteller and Papua Minority Activist

Untuk anak-anak saya!

by wensislaus fatubun

Epidemi HIV/AIDS di kota Merauke sudah berlangsung selama kurang lebih 18 tahun (dari tahun 1992-2010) dan diduga kuat masih akan berkepanjangan karena masih terdapatnya faktor-faktor yang memudahkan penularan penyakit ini.

Dua modus penularan infeksi HIV/AIDS saat ini adalah melalui hubungan seks yang tidak aman dan pelayanan kesehatan yang minim.

Dalam sepuluh tahun mendatang, penyakit ini mungkin belum dapat ditanggulangi sehingga masih mengancam kesehatan masyarakat dan mempunyai implikasi sosial-ekonomi yang luas di kota Merauke.

Bupul: sebuah potret kehidupan ekonomi

by wensislaus fatubun

Hari itu, 4 September 2009. Matahari baru saja minta pamit di ufuk barat, tetapi Kampung Bupul di Kabupaten Merauke, Papua, terlihat sepi. Kala itu, Pasifikus Anggojay (40) terlihat sibuk membereskan perahu lesungnya di tepi Sungai Maro. Beberapa menit kemudian ia bergegas ke rumahnya yang letaknya tidak jauh dari situ. Sambil menjinjing beberapa ekor ikan air tawar hasil tangkapannya, Pasifikus melangkah cepat menuju rumahnya. Langkahnya tegap pertanda sebuah kegembiraan tengah terpatri di relung hatinya. Dari kejauhan terlihat sang istri tercinta sudah menanti, dan ketika pria itu tiba, sang istri langsung mengambil ikan itu dan menaruhnya di dekat tungku.

Senin, 06 September 2010


Benang Merah, Implikasi Teoretis dan Hikmahnya bagi
Gerakan Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat
Catatan dari "Companero"

1. AMERIKA Latin kini menjadi etalase dunia yang membuktikan bahwa gerakan Kiri belum mati, bahwa Sosialisme dalam berbagai bentuk baru belum mati, bahkan sedang mengalami kebangkitan. Arus pasang ini bermula dari hutan belantara Lacandon di Mexico sampai ke hutan beton Santiago, ibukota Chile, di mana 15 Januari ini diperkirakan akan terpilih presiden Sosialis perempuan pertama di Amerika Latin. Sementara itu, sejumlah pemimpin gerakan Kiri di Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, dan Bolivia telah merebut kursi kepresidenan lewat jalan parlementer, yang disambut dengan penuh sukacita oleh laki-laki tua dari Sierra Madre, Fidel Castro (Jawa Pos, 1 Jan. 2005).

Minggu, 05 September 2010

Orang asli Papua: Sebuah refleksi eksistensialis

Orang asli Papua adalah kelompok minoritas di Indonesia. Nasib orang asli Papua sangat tergantung kepada kemampuan penalaran, skill, dan manajemen orang asli Papua sendiri, tapi sayang sekali sampai dengan saat ini, Orang asli Papua mengalami krisis kebudayaan. Hal ini disebabkan kebudayaannya dibiarkan merana, tidak terawat, dan tidak dikembangkan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkompeten, terutama para elite anak orang asli Papua, yang duduk di lembaga eksekutif dan legislatif. Bahkan Kebudayaan orang asli Papua terkesan dibiarkan mati merana digerilya oleh kebudayaan “asing”, terutama dari pulau Jawa dan Sulawesi, serta tumbuh subur pelbagai stereotip atau stigma tentang watak-watak negatip yang diletakkan pada diri orang asli Papua, seperti munafik, jorok, kotor, malas, tidak suka bertanggung jawab, suka gengsi, dan tidak suka bisnis. “lebih aman jadi pegawai”, ungkap sebagian anak muda orang asli Papua.

Kamis, 02 September 2010

Rumah 41A

Pagi itu (16/2), halaman rumah no. 41A di Jl. Dom, Kelapa Lima, Kota Merauke, tidak seperti biasanya. Penghuninya terlihat tampak sibuk. Seorang lelaki baru saja masuk halaman rumah dengan mengendarai sepeda motor dinas (plat merah) dengan nomor Polisi DS 6967.

Berselang beberapa detik kemudian, dua orang laki-laki mengendarai sepeda motor Yamaha King, dengan nomor Polisi DS 4016 AJ, memasuki halaman rumah. Motor diberhentikan tak jauh dari dua truk yang sedang parkir di halaman rumah itu.
Pada saat menyaksikan hal itu, seorang tetangga penghuni rumah no. 41A, mengatakan:

“Dua orang pengendara motor Yamaha King DS 4016 AJ itu adalah anggota Kopassus yang bertugas di Kampung Sota (baca: kampung perbatasan RI-PNG). Setiap minggu, anggota Kopassus dari kampung-kampung perbatasan sering datang ke rumah no. 41A ini untuk mengambil bahan makanan atau barang jualan”.